
Monday, August 5, 2013

Vacation recipe: On the grill: salmon and zucchini with a feta dressing

Here in the South of Holland, we still got vacation. One week, but we've got such a beautiful weather that it was great. And the weatherforcast for the coming week is also very nice. So it's time for yet another vacation recipe. This time nothing with a stick, but a real nice salmon fillet. In the South of Europe fish is often very fresh and easily to buy. For the Mediterranean effect we serve this with a feta dressing. And it's served with zucchini from the grill, also covered with the same feta dressing.

Ingredients (4 persons):
  • 4 Salmon fillet;
  • Salt and pepper;
  • Olive oil, extra vierge;
  • 1 Zucchini;
  • 100 grams Feta;
  • A bunch of basil;
  • 1 Lemon.
Crumble the Feta with your fingers in a bowl. Cut the basil in very small strips. Grate the lemon peel, only the yellow part, not the white. The white part is very bitter.
Mix the feta, grated lemon, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and the basil. Add enough olive oil until you get a soggy mixture.
Slice the zucchini in about 1.5 cm thick pieces. Coat the courgette with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Coat the salmon fillets with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Turn on the barbecue. Grill the salmon fillets on both sides until they are done. Put on a plate, so the juices can set in the fillet (it's better for the taste).
Meanwhile grill the zucchini on both sides, until it's brown.
Take a plate and put a salmon fillet and a few slices of zucchini on it. Spoon the fetadressing on the zucchini and salmon fillet.

4Pure: grilled salmon fillet and zucchini with a feta dressing.

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